White created twenty feet puppets of two Civil War generals who charged up the hill on the Chickamauga Battlefield 100 years ago, which marched down Glass Street in a community parade to begin Glass Street Live. A number of other puppets, handmade by adults and youth from the community, were also featured in the parade, having been made in the weeks prior. Mark Making graciously opened their studio on Monday and Thursday nights for puppet building, while funding was provided by the Tennessee Arts Commission. All the puppets were created from recycled material, giving new life to cardboard, fabric, and paper that would have otherwise been thrown out.

White’s puppets depicting the Civil War generals spread greater awareness to the community about the beautiful natural park right next door to them, the Pennsylvania Reservation, which was (and still is) newly connected by a trail to the Sherman Reservation along the ridge. Visitors and residents were encouraged to explore the new trail and the park, with rangers providing tours during the afternoon.




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